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Statements of Red Flags

From 2024-07-27 To 2024-08-25


  • Statements of Red Flags
  • Note To Statements of Red Flags

Statements of Red Flags

Summary of Red Flag Analysis

  • Transactions with Blacklisted Entities: Users who have dealings with entities on our blacklist may be involved in illicit activities.
  • Involvement with Gambling Websites: Users who have operated or interacted with gambling websites may be engaging in risky or illegal activities.
  • Frequent Large Transfers: Users making numerous large transfers could be indicative of money laundering or other fraudulent activities.
  • High-Risk IP Addresses: Transactions originating from high-risk IP addresses could indicate potential fraudulent activities or cyber threats.
  • Connections with Coin Mixers: Users associated with coin mixers could be attempting to obscure the origin of their crypto assets, which may suggest illicit activities.
  • Multiple Transfers: Users making multiple transfers in a short period of time could be indicative of potential money laundering or other illicit activities.
  • Involvement with the Dark Web: Users associated with the dark web may be involved in illegal activities.
  • Large Withdrawals: Users making large withdrawals could be indicative of potential money laundering or other illicit activities.
  • Multiple Deposits: Users making multiple deposits in a short period of time could be indicative of potential money laundering or other illicit activities.
  • Multiple Transfers: Users making multiple transfers in a short period of time could be indicative of potential money laundering or other illicit activities.
  • Multiple Withdrawals: Users making multiple withdrawals in a short period of time could be indicative of potential money laundering or other illicit activities.
  • Large Deposits: Users making large deposits could be indicative of potential money laundering or other illicit activities.

In light of these red flags, we are required to report any suspicious transactions to the relevant authorities to ensure the integrity and security of our platform and protect our users.


Total 1294 records

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Statements of Red Flags

Statements of Red Flags

Self-AnalysisTotal cases: 0
TimeTxhashAmount involvedRed Flag Type

Trading Partners-Analysis

Total cases: 0

AddressTxhashTrading AmountRed Flag Amount

Total 1294 records

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Statements of Red Flags

Note To Statements of Red Flags

As of August 25, 2024, and July 27, 2024, the statistics for the number of occurrences of separate red flag types were as follows:

August 25, 2024July 27, 2024% Change
Red Flag Type:
Transactions with Blacklisted Entities00
Involvement with Gambling Websites00
Frequent Large Transfers00
High-Risk IP Addresses00
Connections with Coin Mixers00
Multiple Transfers00
Involvement with the Dark Web00
Large Withdrawals00
Large Deposits00
Multiple Deposits00
Multiple Transfers00
Multiple Withdrawals00

Total 1294 records

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Statements of Red Flags

As of August 25, 2024, and August 25, 2023, the statistics for the number of occurrences of separate red flag types were as follows:

30 Days Ended Aug. 25, 2024,
20242023% Change
Red Flag Type:
Transactions with Blacklisted Entities0
Involvement with Gambling Websites0
Frequent Large Transfers0
High-Risk IP Addresses0
Connections with Coin Mixers0
Multiple Transfers0
Involvement with the Dark Web0
Large Withdrawals0
Large Deposits0
Multiple Deposits0
Multiple Transfers0
Multiple Withdrawals0

Total 1294 records

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